Microsoft Works 2000 For Dummies

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Author: Kay

ISBN-10: 0764506668

ISBN-13: 9780764506666

Category: Integrated Software Packages

Congratulations! Instead of blowing several hundred bucks on the biggest and most muscle-bound word processor, database program, spreadsheet program, graphics, and communications software you can find, you're using Microsoft Works 2000 – a program that can do probably everything you need for a lot less trouble and money.\ Now it's time to stretch out your fingers and get ready to put this software to work. This step-by-step guide is for those people who\ \ Want to learn about their...

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Congratulations! Instead of blowing several hundred bucks on the biggest and most muscle-bound word processor, database program, spreadsheet program, graphics, and communications software you can find, you're using Microsoft Works 2000 – a program that can do probably everything you need for a lot less trouble and money. Now it's time to stretch out your fingers and get ready to put this software to work. This step-by-step guide is for those people who Want to learn about their software without being bored silly Feel as though there should be a manual to explain the software manual Actually want to get some work done. Soon. Like today. Don't want to wade through a lot of technical gibberish/ Don't think the way computer software engineers seem to think. This book describes how to use all the programs of Microsoft Works 2000, separately and together, plus some introductory things on Windows, disks, and other basics. In this book, you'll explore the following topics and more: Window basics (opening, closing, and painting them shut) Word processing (like food processing, only messier) Spreadsheets (for soft, comfortable naps on your spreadbed) Databases (for storing all your baseless data) Graphics (for charting uncharted waters and general doodling) Calendarification, Calendarizing? (Using a calendar program) Web browsing (for schmoozing the Internet's World Wide Web) Newsgroups (for ranting about your pet peeves) E-mail (for sending and receiving messages and files) "Mail merge" of letters, envelopes, and labels (for doing your very own junk mail) Unlike software manuals, this book doesn't have to deliver a positive message about the software, so it doesn't breathlessly try to show you everything you could possibly do. Nor does it describe, as a manual does, every button and command. Instead, it focuses on the everyday things you have to do, gives you some background, points you toward shortcuts, and steers you around some of the stuff you probably don't need.

Introduction.PART I: Survival Skills.Chapter 1: Starting.Chapter 2: Getting Around.Chapter 3: Basic Editing and Formatting.Chapter 4: Basic Printing.PART II: The Wily Word Processor.Chapter 5: In Search of the Wily Word Processor.Chapter 6: Hacking through the Jungle of Your Text.Chapter 7: Keeping Up Appearances.Chapter 8: Fancier Word Processing Documents.PART III: Setting Sail with Spreadsheets.Chapter 9: Spreading Your First Sheets.Chapter 10: Making Calculations.Chapter 11: Tidying Up and Printing Your Spreadsheets.PART IV: Doing Active Duty at the Database.Chapter 12: Reporting for Duty at the Database.Chapter 13: Making Changes in Your Database.Chapter 14: Finding and Filtering Your Data.Chapter 15: Sorting, Reporting, and Calculating.PART V: Going Beyond Works.Chapter 16: Gearing Up for the Internet.Chapter 17: Exploring with Internet Explorer.Chapter 18: Reaching Out with Outlook Express.Chapter 19: Time Traveling with Microsoft Calendar.PART VI: Creating Great Works of Art: Graphics.Chapter 20: Creating a Work of Chart.Chapter 21: Polishing Your Work of Chart.Chapter 22: Producing Works of Art.PART VII: The Part of Tens.Chapter 23: Ten Nifty Tricks.Chapter 24: Ten Things NOT to Do.Appendix: Wisdom and Wizardry for Common Tasks.Index.Book Registration Information.