The Advent of Netwar

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Author: John Arquilla

ISBN-10: 0833024140

ISBN-13: 9780833024145

Category: General & Miscellaneous Networking & Telecommunications

The term Netwar refers to societal conflict and crime, short of war, in which the protagonists are organized more as sprawling leaderless networks than as tight-knit hierarchies. The emergence of netwar raises the need to rethink strategy and doctrine to conduct counternetwar.

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The term Netwar refers to societal conflict and crime, short of war, in which the protagonists are organized more as sprawling leaderless networks than as tight-knit hierarchies. The emergence of netwar raises the need to rethink strategy and doctrine to conduct counternetwar.

Contents Chapter One: Introduction Chapter Two: Conceptual Outlines Chapter Three: A World in Flux—Ripe for Netwar The Rise of Network Forms of Organization The Evolution of Societies Chapter Four: Varieties of Netwar Chapter Five: Challenges for U.S. Policy and Organization Chapter Six: Implications for U.S. Doctrine and Strategy Bibliography